Waze Redesign

For this project, I was tasked with redesigning up to eight screens from an app or website that had numerous heuristic violations.  My app selection was centered around the concept of good UX design as an absolute necessity, not just a beneficial afterthought. Navigation apps are a perfect example of this as the interface must be extremely simple and accessible for users in precarious situations. In my search, I landed on Waze, a Google-owned navigation app that crowdsources data from users in order to provide real-time updates on road conditions. Personally, I’ve always struggled with this app due to its cluttered interface and lack of consistency with other navigation apps, so finding UX heuristic violations was not an issue.  In this case study, I’ll be outlining the violations I found along with their accompanying redesigns.


UX Designer,
UX Researcher




Spring 2022 (3 weeks)

